Pattern matching

In this chapter, we will talk about the joys of breaking stuff up to its most basic components.

Destructuring bindings

Up to now, we have only worked with variable declarations (bindings) of the garden-variety format:

let a_number = 123;
let a_text = "abc";

However, Ryan allows you to destructure the value after the = sign and bind more than one value to the destructured value. Think of destructuring as circulating parts of a value with a pen and giving the circulated parts names, like so:

let [a, b, ..] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

With this statement, a will be sat to 1 and b will be set to 2. The .. matches the tail of the list.

Here is a list of the simple pattern matches you can do in Ryan:

let _ = "abc";              // wildcard: accepts anything and binds no variables
let x = 1;                  // identifier: matches a variable to a value
let 1 = 1;                  // matches a literal (and binds no variable)

let [a, b] = [1, 2]         // list match: matches all the elements of the list.
let [a, b, ..] = [1, 2, 3]; // head match: matched the first elements of a list.
let [.., a, b] = [1, 2, 3]; // tail match: matched the last elements of a list.

let {"a": b} = {"a": 1};    // strict dict match: matches all values of a dict (b = 1)
let { a } = { a: 1 };       // you can bind a key to a value directly too! (a = 1)
let { a, ..} = {"a":1,"b":2}// dict match: matches only the specified keys

Of course, if the pattern you specified cannot match the input value, you will get an error:

let { a, b } = [1, 2, 3];   // boom!

However, the real fun of destructuring patterns is that they are recursive: you can mix and match them like russian dolls. Therefore, something like this is perfectly legal:

let {
    b: [c, d, 3],
    "e": _,
    f: { g, h, ..}
} = {
    a: "jalad and darmok",
    b: [1, 2, 3],
    e: "how many lights?",
    f: { g: 4, h: 5, i: 6 },

and will create the variables a = "jalad and darmok", c = 1, d = 2, g = 4 and h = 5 all in one go. You can think of destructuring as an alternative and visual way of accessing values from lists and dictionaries.

Pattern matches

Pattern matches power the patterns whe have just presented to create dependent execution, what folks in other languages call functions. A pattern match is a piece of Ryan code that can be applied to a value in order to produce another one. For example:

let foo x = x + 1;
[foo 1, foo 2, foo 3]      // same as [1 + 1, 1 + 2, 1 + 3]

This code will evaluate to [2, 3, 4]. The pattern foo will substitute x by each of the provided values and evaluate the expression for each specific case.

In Ryan, pattern matches only take one argument as input, as opposed to many languages out there that take more than one. However, this is by no means a limitation, because patterns!

let sum_both [a, b] = a + b;
sum_both [5, 7]     // -> 12

You can use any pattern to declare a pattern match.


All pattern matches in Ryan are closures. That means that you are free to use variables defined outside the pattern match definition in your return expression:

let object_name = "lights";
let there_are quantity = `There are ${quantity} ${object_name}`;

there_are 4     // -> "There are 4 lights"


A pattern match does not expect only an expression, but a whole block. This means that the body of a pattern match can be its whole self-contained Ryan program, with its own local variables, imports, pattern matches, etc...

let there_are quantity = 
    let object_name = "lights";
    `There are ${quantity} ${object_name}`;

there_are 4     // -> "There are 4 lights"

Patterns are values too

Yep, patterns are values just like any other! Every time you define a pattern match with a let, you create a variable with that pattern match as a value:

let foo x = x + 1;
foo     // -> ![pattern foo x]

You can even make a pattern match be the return value of another pattern match:

let add a = 
    let do_add b = a + b;

(add 3) 2       // -> 5

The parentheses are needed here because pattern match application is left-associative in Ryan.

The only limitation this equivalence is that pattern matches are not representable. Since they don't have a JSON equivalent, they cannot be converted to JSON. If the outcome of your Ryan program contains a pattern match anywhere, you will get an error.

Alternative patterns

The same pattern match can be defined multiple times with different patterns. Ryan will try to match the pattern in order until a match is found and execute the expression associated with the match:

let foo 1 = 2;
let foo 2 = 10;
let foo x = x + 10;

[foo 1, foo 2, foo 3]   // -> [1, 10, 13]

This is very handy when defining special cases and can be used as a more visual alternative to if ... then ... else ....

Recursion is not allowed, in any case!

A pattern match cannot call itself in its code. This will not work:

let foo x = [foo x];
foo 1

This would be an infinite program, that would never end! Thankfully, Ryan will complain that it cannot use the variable foo because it has not been declared before. Even if you try to declare it before, using alternative patterns, it will still not recurse:

let foo [1] = 1;
let foo x = [foo [x]];    // "Now, `foo` is defined", says Will E. Coyote

foo 1   // -> [1]

As you can see, the captured version of foo is different from the version we called in the end. Only the alternatives that existed up to the point of the pattern definition are captured.

Even though recursion is a nice clever trick without which we could not have computers as we know them, it would make Ryan too general for what it was initially conceived: make nice configuration files. It's not expected that people create enormously complex and sneaky algorithms in Ryan. Therefore, to force keeping things simple, no recursion allowed!