
Up to now, we have talked about different types of values in Ryan: integers, boolean, string, dictionaries, etc... All these value types have their own representation in Ryan. Even though Ryan is not a statically typed language, you can use types (and expressions over types) to add extra checking to your Ryan code, ensuring that it runs correctly. Furthermore, you can use type guards to further refine patterns, either making them more strict or also allowing them to react differently for different types of data (also known as polymorphism). In this chapter, we will explore what Ryan can offer you in terms of typing.

Primitive types

These are the primitive types in Ryan (you have encountered all them before; we are just giving them Ryan names):

  • bool: booleans; can only be true or false.
  • int: an integer, like 123 or -4, but not fractional numbers such as 1.2.
  • float: a floating point like 1.23 or 6e23. This also includes 1.0, which, although integer, is stored and processed as a float.
  • number: int or float. Includes 123, 1, 1.0 and all other numerical stuff.
  • text: strings of text, such as "Ryan".
  • null: the value null. Only null is of type null.
  • any: anything goes!

Composite types

With lists and dictionaries, Ryan gives you a bit more of flexibility than ony a set of flavours. The most simple types are "collections of the same kind of stuff":

  • [T] (where T is another type): a list where all elements are of type T. E.g., [int] is "a list of integer numbers".
  • {T} (where T is another type): a dictionary where all values are of type T. E.g., {text} is "a dictionary where the values are text".
  • ?T (where T is another type): either something of type T or null. This is called an optional type. E.g., ?float is "either a float number or 'nothing', i.e., null".

However, in a manner similar to patterns, you can also specify the nature of the elements:

  • [A, B, C] (where A, B and C are other types): a list of exactly the specified types (also called a tuple). E.g., [int, bool] is "a list of two elements where the first is an integer and the other is a boolean.
  • {a: A, "b": B} (where A and B are other types): a dictionary with exactly the specified keys whose values correspond to the specified types. E.g., {a: int, b: bool} is "a dictionary with exactly the "a" and "b" keys where the value for "a" is an integer and the value for "b" is a boolean.
  • {a: A, "b": B, ..} (where A and B are other types): a dictionary with at least the specified keys whose values correspond to the specified types. E.g., {a: int, b: bool} is "a dictionary with at least the "a" and "b" keys where the value for "a" is an integer and the value for "b" is a boolean.

Alternative types

In addition to the types we have already seen, you can further compose types with the alternative operator |. The expression A | B means "something that can be either of type A or of type B". In fact, we have already found two syntax sugars for this operation in the previous sections:

  • number is the same thing as int | float.
  • ?T is the same thing as T | null.

However, you can create your own alternative types, e.g.:

  • [int | text]: a list where the elements can be either integer or text.
  • int | {bool}: an integer or a dictionary of booleans.

Type guards

Type guards are an element of the Ryan pattern matching system that will only accept the pattern if, when binding a variable to a value, the value is of the specified type. Type guards are defined with :, like so:

let x: int = 1;     // Success! `x` will be equal to 1
let x: int = "1";   // Error! Expected an integer, got text.

Every time you declare a new variable in a pattern match, you can define an optional type guard. If none is provided, it's assumed that the type is any, i.e., anything goes.

Things get fun when you can bring polymorphism to your pattern matches by powering type guards with alternative patterns:

let foo x: int = `I am an integer: ${x}`;
let foo x: float = `I am a float: ${x}`;
[foo 1, foo 1.0]        // -> ["I am an integer: 1", "I am a float: 1"]

It's recommended that you use type guards wherever possible. It helps keeping your code more explicit on what is going on. Besides, it is one extra way to check the data your program is receiving. For example, suppose you want to set a debug level for your program, which is a number, like:

  1. Only log errors
  2. Log errors and high-level information
  3. Log every small detail in the code execution (also known as verbose). You can validate the input from an environment variable, like so:
let debug_level: int = import "env:DEBUG_LEVEL";

This disallows people from passing DEBUG_LEVEL=off to your program and get a valid configuration, which could save you lots of pain down the line.

Type aliases

Finding yourself writing the same long type over and over again? Fear not! Ryan supports type aliases. Type aliases are variable bindings that associate a variable to a given type. These are a bit different from the regular bindings in which they do not allow destructuring with patterns and they must start with the type keyword, like so:

type X = { a: int, very, text, long: {int}, type_expression: null };

Using regular let biding wont work, because in Ryan type expression are different from regular value expression (and they don't mix!):

let X = int;    // -> error! Expected expression block, but got a type :(...

After you have defined a type alias, you can use it normally as if it were any other type:

type X = int;
let x: X = 1;   // -> ok!

Remember that these are only type aliases. Type aliases do not declare a new type. Therefore, a same variable can conform to many different type aliases at the same type.

Types are not representable

As you can expect, types have no equivalent in JSON. Therefore, even though types are values, if you ever sneak a Ryan type into a value to be represented in JSON, you will get a "not representable" error. By now, the only way to trigger this error is through the misuse of type aliases:

type X = int;
    a_type: X,      // -> Un-representable value: int